Safeguarding Statement

OxSAR are committed to creating a safe and lifesaving environment for all of our members and the individuals we come into contact with.  We have a duty of care to the children, young people and vulnerable adults we provide services for. This includes taking the necessary steps to safeguard them and promote their welfare. 

This means OxSAR have a robust Safeguarding Policy that we have implemented to ensure everyone is treated appropriately, as well as a Whistleblowing Policy so that people  can raise any concerns they have confidentially.  

All of our members carry out roles that require them to work with people who are considered to be at high risk of harm. We carry out criminal record checks for all of our members, and offer a comprehensive induction and ongoing safeguarding training to all members.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to breaches of OxSAR’s Safeguarding Policy, and Safeguarding Procedure, and as such thoroughly investigate all alleged breaches. We regularly review our Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Procedure to ensure they are continuing to develop the knowledge and understanding of all our members.

To ensure we are continually maintaining the highest standards of safeguarding, we monitor guidance from the Government, the Charity Commissioner, from Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board. 

If you are a volunteer with OxSAR you can confidentially report a concern by emailing:


If you are a member of the public and you have an immediate concern please call 999. If the matter is non-urgent call 101 or contact Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board or Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board.