Our Work


Missing Person Search

Every 90 seconds somebody is reported missing in the UK. Due to dementia, mental health problems, disability and many other reasons some of these people are in need of assistance. We are available to assist Thames Valley Police or other search and rescue teams, to find these people and bring them to safety.

We are able, within an hour of first contact, to have teams of professionally qualified search teams, led by experienced incident managers on the ground searching for somebody’s loved one.

We have at our disposal an array of specialist equipment, around 70 search technicians and a number of search dog teams.

We are able to search all the terrain found across our county, From Hill To High Water.

Water Rescue

OxSAR boasts a team of Flood and Swiftwater Rescue Technicians, qualified to the national standard and a large number of members trained as Water First Responders. We have three power boats, and an array of specialist equipment.

Sonar operators and Underwater Camera operators enhance our operational capabilities and allow us to search waterways for missing people.

In addition to supporting the search for missing people, our team is available to Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue and the Local resilience forum to support the response to flooding incidents.


Extraordinary events occur and put a huge strain on our local services. OxSAR is always ready to support the Local Resilience Forum, the emergency services and local authorities to help keep Oxfordshire safe.

We have previously provided 4x4 response during extreme weather and supported our partner agencies at public events.